A board piece from the strategic game of chess and a road sign warning of a difficult path ahead.


Our main objective is to enhance your business by implementing a custom solution that makes you thrive.
let's think let's think let's think
A rubix cube in the process of being solved.


When you have an idea, or when your business is growing, it may begin to feel like it's bigger than you. Maybe you aren't sure how to use technology to help your business grow. Maybe you're just wondering where to start.


Are you struggling with any of the following?

you don't know where to start

You've read all the books you could get your hands on, and they were great. They made you feel confident, gave you these fantastic ideas, and you've planned this whole business enterprise that will change the world in so many ways... but how do you get there? You can see your business/idea clearly with crystal clarity - but how do you plan a path to get there?
Classic retro text from an arcade game saying 'PRESS START', giving instruction of how to start the game.
Two laughing kids wearing helmets with lightbulbs on the top. Children are full of creativity, all they need is a way to communicate it.


There's this idea for an app or site you've been sitting on for a while and you're waiting for it to hatch. Problem is, it's been too long. You figure it probably needs some motivation; some external assurance that it's safe to enter the world and start living... but you're not sure you know how to coherently explain your idea, so it makes it even more difficult to describe to people who say they can help you build it.


It’s so frustrating! How the heck do you find new clients? Why haven’t they found you? You have a website and a page on every social media platform. You’re always posting. Everything’s there, why isn’t it working?
A wall full of advertisements where people hope to get new customers and businesses
Someone typing on an old typewriter. The invention of typewriters made all sorts of tasks a million times faster and easier.


Let’s face it – the technical part is boring. You don’t want to deal with admin, analytics, demographics, numbers, maths, logistics, finances, admin... Even thinking about it makes you want to fall asleep. It’s so laborious and time consuming that it eats into the fun part of your work, but you can’t just neglect it.


Joe Shmoe from down the road promised he’d make your website the best ever. “Just trust me!” he said, before disappearing off the face of the earth for two months – or worse yet, for ever. Six months down the line, when he finally popped you an email, if he ever did, you had a list of hidden costs, a barely-functioning site and absolutely no idea how to work any of it.
A retro parking meter. These machines made people more efficient so that they did not have to pay more money to the parking meter.


Our prescription aims to treat the cause, not just the symptom.
A hand holding an ice cream cone on a sunny day. A tasty treat that can feel like a reward on a hot day.


Together we will set up a five-day venture through your idea, starting by clearly defining your goals and ending by testing its general viability and its usability in the market. This process provides invaluable insight about the feasibility/viability of your idea. We want to iron out any creases by testing your idea in the right setting. This means conducting research about its potential audience, the value it will bring them, and how it solves existing problems. We then prepare and design prototypes of your product and expose them to the target audience. This is followed by a series of carefully crafted questions in which we determine how well the products achieves its goals and how it can be improved.


In our co-creation process we will unpack what you do and who you do it for. This will help us to diagnose the cause of your symptoms. Our treatment plan will enhance your business by aligning your vision, mission, and client/customer interaction with a tailor-made solution. Our main objective is to ensure your business thrives.
Someone wearing lounge casual shoes on a longboard. This strong contrast can tell you a lot about their personality.
Someone on an old phone, waiting on hold. This long wait to contact support has made the person tired and upset.


We’ll lift that weight off your shoulders; let us handle the technical details that you don’t want to deal with. We can assist you keep track of your data; be it client information, stock, payments, or employee performances. It’s one less thing for you to worry about, so you can go back to doing what you love while being able to access any information you need at any point in time.


We provide quality digital solutions and visual design in one place. Our co-creative process means that we are in this together. We are transparent and open about everything we do. We communicate and create your vision with a highly skilled team of experts, ensuring you are the top of your niche. You are in control all the time, and we are here to guide you through the digital landscape of ever-changing technology. Let us do the heavy lifting – we’ve been training for it.
A retro slot machine. These machines work using very complicated logic, meaning they are made to perfection to ensure nothing goes wrong.


It's an "us" thing.
In our co-creation process we will unpack what you do and who you do it for. This will help us to diagnose the cause of your symptoms. Since our work is human-focused, you are in the centre of all development and design efforts. We start by asking you questions to make sure we are on the same page. Our aim is to address all the issues before they are issues.

The bottom line is that we strive to empower you. No matter the size of your brand or the scale of the project, you will reach your business objectives.

Our young, fun team of talent will keep it picture-perfect so that you don’t have to worry about a thing.



Tell us your what you have and what you want. Think of it as a session of armchair talk-therapy because this is the most amount of work you’ll have to do until the end, so just go for it. We’ll listen, and then we’ll ask some follow-ups to clarify and make sure we’re on the same page.


Sit back and relax. While you’re chilling, we’ll be doing loads of research, including creating diagrams, identifying a target market and wireframing your site. You’ll have a look, give a yay or nay, and once you’re happy we can move to the next step.


In this stage we’ll test your product with an MVP (minimum viable product) or a high-fidelity prototype. You’ll get to see how your site works, what it looks like, how you would access information, and what your customers would see.


We want to make sure that your project is working with you, for you, in the exact way you hoped it would. This means avoiding any potential issues that could come up and troubleshooting the app/site. We also use this step to test how your audience might receive the product. We use this information to address, adapt, and overcome any hurdles that may have been overlooked.


We begin to custom build the solution based on the approved designs.


When you are confident that your vision has materialized, your final site/application/product is ready to go live. And so we launch it.


We’re not the type to “hit-it-and-quit-it”. We’re in it for the long run – full strings attached, the works. If you need support, maintenance, or additional services, we’re just an email away.
Applied Payments logo
Earth2Mars logo
LemonCo logo
Minestar logo
MyCaddy logo
Otima logo
An astronaut sitting on top of a retro boombox. Softserve Digital Development are experienced navigators that wish to help others explore.


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We build better software, faster. Delivering innovative platforms to start-ups and enterprises. Whether your company needs a solution that will automate routine work of employees, store data/information or improve workflows, Softserve will develop Custom Software Solutions to your specification.


The success of an app or website depends significantly upon its UI/UX design. Users now have a lower tolerance for bad UI than ever before. If they can’t find what they’re looking for quickly enough, they will go elsewhere. Softserve can help ensure your users find your site both interesting and simple to use.


Softserve loves to take something that is not a game and applying game mechanics to increase engagement, happiness and loyalty. Anything is better when we add a little fun and game to it.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic, increasing visibility of a website or webpage to those who use a web search engine such as Google. At Softserve, we have SEO experts to get you to the top of the list and stay there.


Web application development doesn’t have to be a stressful affair. Softserve Digital Development is a key provider of web application development services, and we cater to all sorts of industries; no web application development project is too daunting for us.


E-commerce refers to commercial transactions conducted online. This means that whenever you buy and sell something using the Internet, you’re involved in e-commerce. Our team is experienced in the most secure and user friendly shopping solutions.


Our awesome team of well trained and knowledgeable app developers create high quality and user-friendly mobile applications to meet our customer’s expectations on both iOS and Android platforms.


Social media has become a crucial part of any effective marketing strategy, but posting daily and coming up with content can be time consuming and difficult. Softserve manages your social media profiles and pages exceptionally, driving engagement and results that bring people to your brand.


At Softserve we know that creating content for a site can seem a little daunting, which is why we’re happy to help out. We help put together exactly what you need so that you can engage your visitors and keep them there so that they will buy your service or product through enticing site content.


The rise of the digital age means people are bombarded with thousands of brand graphics on a daily basis. At Softserve we help you stand out and ensure that all your designs communicate your brand to ensure the right message comes across the way it should.


Responsive web design adapts the site in accordance with the width of the display of the user's device.

Domain registration and hosting

Softserve Digital only uses the best quality hardware. We also provide local hosting that is secure and reliable as we have added measures set in place to ensure high uptime. Our team of professional experts will ensure that the service you receive is tailored to your specific needs, as well as your business.


A CMS will enable you to store important data and control where it is stored and who has access to it. We build custom CMS (Content Management System) solutions to manage content, websites, and various other web applications that are pertinent to your brand.

ssl certificates

Planning to run an online business requires an understanding of the necessary security measures that need to be in place before getting started. SSL certificates are one important part of this puzzle.


ASP.net is an open source web development tool created by Microsoft with the purpose of producing websites that catch people’s attention. It’s server-side too, meaning that the user is given a graphical interface in order to interact with a service. Additionally, this means that the user has limited access to the inner workings of proprietary software.


Webflow is a visual website editor, allowing for seamless creation of visually stunning and powerful websites. From a built-in CMS and e-Commerce manager, Webflow can do it all. Softserve is a certified Webflow expert, here to bring you the website of your dreams.


Our projects have a strong focus on engaging audiences and creating a wonderful and holistic digital experience. Softserve is driven by latest trends, techniques and effective online marketing strategies, website design, content creation and social media campaigns.
We've got you covered


Why should I choose Softserve?

A chevron indicating to click on it
We build solutions with you, for you. We value your time and want to help you grow. Think of us as both your vehicle and your guide as you journey through the digital landscape.

What are your key areas of focus?

A chevron indicating to click on it
Although we are a software development company, we understand business and how to get strategic clarity in order to map out your digital journey.
Visual Design
Gamification (used to bring you closer towards your business goals)

I only have a concept; can you assist with putting it all together?

A chevron indicating to click on it
We help you from wherever you are, using cutting-edge tech and trends. We work collaboratively and guide you through your digital journey.

I have a great idea for an app or website, can you help me see if it would work?

A chevron indicating to click on it
Yes. We will test the viability of your idea in a five-day design sprint. During this process, we will identify your goals, prototype your product, and test its general viability.

Would you be able to assist with handling internal administration?

A chevron indicating to click on it
We can assist with internal administration by recording your data and making it accessible to you. Be it client information, stock, payments, or employee performances, there’s one less thing for you to worry about.

Dev Agency

World-class design and development team