UI Design & UX Research

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We bring your product to life with world-class user interfaces that are both visually appealing and easy to use.
Bridgestone logo
Deloitte logo
Discovery logo
Earth2Mars logo
Energrade logo
iTalk logo
i-Talk2U logo
LemonCo logo
Minestar logo
Otima logo
Supa Quick logo
Totalsports logo

what is it?

UI/UX design is the process of designing the user interface and experience of digital products like websites, apps, or software. UI design focuses on the visual aspects of the product, while UX design is concerned with the overall user experience. By working together, UI and UX design create products that look great and provide a seamless user experience. Think of it like a well-designed car. The UI design would be like the exterior design of the car - sleek, attractive, and functional. The UX design would be like the driving experience - comfortable, smooth, and easy to use. With UI/UX design, the goal is to create a digital product that is not only visually appealing but also easy and enjoyable to use. It's all about putting the user first and creating a product that meets their needs in the most effective way possible.
A desk with a computer with design software open. A user interface for a phone is drawn on a piece of paper in front of the computer.
A design discussing their  notes on a whiteboard to ensure the best results.


At Softserve, we believe that user-centric design is essential to creating products and services that meet the needs of your target audience. Our UX design process focuses on solving user problems with helpful and delightful interactions, using human-centered design principles to address pressing pain points and tap into users' motivations and behaviours. Our goal is to help our clients acquire, engage and retain customers who value and use their products. In today's digital age, creating products and services with user-centric designs is critical for businesses. A well-designed user interface can enhance the overall user experience and improve the usability of a product or service. Our UI design services ensure that our clients' products meet the needs of their customers, are aesthetically pleasing, and easy to use. We focus on using established design patterns, industry-standard usability practices and user-centered messaging to create designs that build trust and increase conversions. With Softserve's UI design services, you can ensure your products and services are not only beautiful but also user-friendly, which can give you a competitive edge in the market.

why invest in our services?

Investing in our UI and UX design services can provide significant benefits for your business. A strong visual design instills confidence in your brand, conveying a sense of legitimacy to customers. Our design also allows your branding to come to life, conveying your values and resonating with viewers. In addition, an enjoyable user experience increases the likelihood of conversion and builds customer loyalty.
A group of people collaborating on a design concept and wireframing.
An design team discussing the design displayed on a wide monitor screen.

Why choose softserve?

Our team is at the forefront of digital and graphic design, constantly pushing the limits of what's possible. Our core services include digital and visual design, usability, and established design patterns.

Digital & Visual Design
Our team's advanced graphic design expertise enables us to create visually stunning designs for both web and mobile platforms. Our comprehensive knowledge of design principles ensures that your design will not only be beautiful but also practical.

Usability & Established Design Patterns
We believe that excellent design should be easy to use, which is why we use familiar design patterns and industry-standard usability practices. Our focus on user-centric messaging aligns with customer motivations and recognizable key phrases that build trust and increase conversions. Working with Softserve for UI design services is vital to stay ahead in today's digital age. We aim to create products that meet the needs of your target audience and help you achieve your business goals. Our team's proficiency in digital and graphic design, usability, and established design patterns will give you a competitive edge in the market. Trust us to bring your products to life and create designs that are not only visually stunning but also practical and user-friendly.

Let's get in touch

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Schedule a 15 minute intro call with us. We'll discuss what you're looking to achieve and see how we can help.
South Africa
40 1st Avenue,
Tel: +27 (0) 11 453 1684
We've got you covered


How do I know if my website needs to be freshened up?

A chevron indicating to click on it
Everything starts with your customer or user using your website. If your website doesn't speak to your audience then it’s not giving your business a fair chance. Reach out and we can look and discuss our recommendations.

What if I don't like the final product?

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We work with you as co-creators – creating actionable steps to solve problems before they’re even problems. We also provide you with high-fidelity prototypes so that you can review the site before it is made live. This way we can ensure that you are pleased with the way that it looks.

How do I improve traffic to my website?

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There are many ways to increase traffic to your website. It all depends on your audience and the size of your business. Create a unique identity for yourself so to ensure that you stand out amongst your competitors. We will assist with attracting inbound leads through content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing.

How do I improve my conversion rate?

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Your conversion rate, or the number of people that make a purchase/contact you after visiting your website, comes down to a couple of factors. Through co-creation we will pinpoint the potential issues and improve your site. Whether it is the overall usability, copy, or content structure of the site, we will improve your conversion rate.

Can you develop my app?

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Yes. We build mobile, console, and web applications. We guarantee scalability, quality, reliability, and a commitment to developing an end result that meets your specific needs.

Can you design my website?

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Yes, we can. We will create a vibrant site that boasts who you are and what you do. It will ensnare potential customers’ interest and trust.

Can you help me find my brand identity?

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Yes. We will help to craft your corporate identity, which comprises everything associated with your brand’s visual identity, such as logos, colours, fonts, as well as what defines your values. It’s important to proactively build a unique identity because that’s what makes you memorable, and you stand out to potential consumers, and investors.

Once the product is built do I need support?

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Any digital product requires maintenance and support. We aren't a hit-it-and-quit-it company. We're here to ensure your solutions stays current and up to date.

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World-class design and development team