About Client
Earth 2 Mars is an Australian company that offers courses on change management to help individuals find their place in the world and create space for sustainable change. They are passionate about building an inclusive universe where humanity meets technology, and maximizing human potential to embrace AI and eventually bring Earth to Mars.
Humans deserve a place in the future.
We aimed to build a quality website and corporate identity to reflect their values as change consultants.
We helped Earth 2 Mars build a sustainable future by building a quality website and corporate identity that reflects their values as change consultants. Their approach was professional, sleek, and minimalistic, with a simple and easy-to-read font.
Earth 2 Mars is there to support this change by maximizing human potential.
At the highest level, they are passionate about helping to build an inclusive universe where humanity meets technology, mindsets that embrace AI and eventually bring Earth to Mars.
We began with a Discovery session to create alignment and establish Earth2Mars’ goals, values, and unique selling points. We then created Customer Personas and a style guide as a visual reference point for the website.
Once the corporate identity and style guide were established, we built their website, ensuring it was visually appealing, had a great user interface, and provided all the necessary information.

A cutting-edge solution and brand was developed.